Bigger Than Jupiter , Hotter Than Any Planet – Star Exists πŸͺ

KELT-9b: The Hottest Exoplanet We Know : –

1) Located: About 670 lights years aways .

2) Boiling Point Paradise :

KELT-9b boasts a dayside temperature of over 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit (4,600 Kelvin). That’s hotter than most stars! Its proximity to its scorching host star, KELT-9, subjects it to a relentless barrage of stellar radiation, turning its atmosphere into a boiling cauldron.

3) Hydrogen Highway:

Hold onto your hats, because KELT-9b’s atmosphere doesn’t stick around! The intense heat forces hydrogen gas to escape at breakneck speed, equivalent to losing Earth-sized chunks of atmosphere every billion years. Picture a cosmic fountain spewing superheated gas into the void.

4) KELT-9b is a gas giant 2.8 times more massive than Jupiter, but only half as dense. Scientists would expect the planet to have a smaller radius, but the extreme radiation from its host star has caused the planet’s atmosphere to puff up like a balloon

Bigger Than Jupiter , Hotter Than Any Planet – Star Exists πŸͺ

KELT-9b: The Hottest Exoplanet We Know : –

1) Located: About 670 lights years aways .

2) Boiling Point Paradise :

KELT-9b boasts a dayside temperature of over 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit (4,600 Kelvin). That’s hotter than most stars! Its proximity to its scorching host star, KELT-9, subjects it to a relentless barrage of stellar radiation, turning its atmosphere into a boiling cauldron.

3) Hydrogen Highway:

Hold onto your hats, because KELT-9b’s atmosphere doesn’t stick around! The intense heat forces hydrogen gas to escape at breakneck speed, equivalent to losing Earth-sized chunks of atmosphere every billion years. Picture a cosmic fountain spewing superheated gas into the void.

4) KELT-9b is a gas giant 2.8 times more massive than Jupiter, but only half as dense. Scientists would expect the planet to have a smaller radius, but the extreme radiation from its host star has caused the planet’s atmosphere to puff up like a balloon

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